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Board of Directors

Guest Tim - guest

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In a 510© (19), we have a Board of Directors consisting of 12 individuals. Of the 12, four are officers, President,  VP, Treasurer, and Secretary. Our treasurer wishes to resign.  Our Bylaws are not specific regarding resignations. Can the treasurer resign from the treasurer position, and still remain a member of the board. Or is his resignation considered a resignation of the Board of Directors entirely. 

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It depends. If he is an ex-officio member of the board (that is, if his position on the board is due to the fact that he is the treasurer), then resigning as treasurer would remove him from the board (and the new treasurer would get a seat on the board).


Alternatively, he might have been elected directly to the board (by the general membership) and then elected as treasurer (by the board). In this instance he could resign as treasurer without having to leave the board.


Or he might have been elected as treasurer and elected to the board by the general membership, in which case the two offices are independent.

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