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Quorum and notice of vote

Guest Hilary

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We have 9 voting members on our Executive.  At our regular monthly executive meeting there was new business brought forward that was not on the agenda before the meeting.  We had 6 of 9 members at the meeting.  We required a vote on this new business.  We decided that we had quorum because there were 6 of 9 in attendance.  In the voting process, 2 of the 6 abstained as they perceived that they might have a conflict of interest.  This gave us 4 votes...the motion carried 4 votes to 0.  However, one of the voters now has voting remorse and is stating that it should not have passed because there were only 4 votes of a potential 9.  In reading through your FAQ, I think because we had quorum...and because we had 4 of 6 votes, the motion can be carried...however I have read further and wonder if we in fact should not have voted at all because there was no notice to the Executive that this matter would be voted on.

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I think because we had quorum...and because we had 4 of 6 votes, the motion can be carried...


That's correct. Most "ordinary" motions don't require previous notice though some (e.g. amending the bylaws) might.


A vote of 4-0 is not only a majority vote, it's also a two-thirds vote (in case that was required).


By the way, when you say, "We have 9 voting members on our Executive", are you referring to your Executive Board? Executive Committee? Adjectives without nouns get lonely. And our own Mr. Brown starts pulling his hair out.

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We have 9 voting members on our Executive.  At our regular monthly executive meeting there was new business brought forward that was not on the agenda before the meeting. 


This isn't surprising, since there is no agenda until one is adopted, and you shouldn't be adopting one anyway.

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