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Candidates Remain Mystery Until Meeting

Guest Mary Jane Barnes

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Guest Mary Jane Barnes

The Management Company is refusing to give the names of those candidates who submitted a candidate form by the January 30th deadline. Homeowners who are unable to attend the meeting know there may be nominations from the floor, however, they would like to know, and possible be able to speak with, those candidates who have submitted their names for consideration. Is this legal? Our bylaws, articles of incorporation, covenants or Florida statutes does not address when members are to be informed of candidates. We are, however, to follow Roberts Rules of Order. Please help, the election is Feb. 3rd.

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The Management Company is refusing to give the names of those candidates who submitted a candidate form by the January 30th deadline. Homeowners who are unable to attend the meeting know there may be nominations from the floor, however, they would like to know, and possible be able to speak with, those candidates who have submitted their names for consideration. Is this legal? Our bylaws, articles of incorporation, covenants or Florida statutes does not address when members are to be informed of candidates. We are, however, to follow Roberts Rules of Order. Please help, the election is Feb. 3rd.

No rule in RONR either requires or prohibits informing the society's members of candidates who have submitted their names in advance. If your rules are silent on this subject and the assembly has provided no instructions on the subject, then the person or group responsible for receiving such names (apparently, the Management Company) may use their own judgment on this matter.

It seems much too late to do anything about this in time for this election, but the society is free to adopt a rule on this subject for future elections if it wishes to do so.

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