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Does RONR apply if improperly cited as parliamentary authority?

Guest Michael

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Just a general question on proper wording, in our bylaws it states 'All meetings of voting Members shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order where not inconsistent with the by-laws of the Association and a quorum for such meetings shall consist of not less than 60%  voting Members present in person or by proxy.' 


This is the only reference to RONR in our bylaws or handbook of rules.  My question is this; Does RONR apply to our organization as parlimentary authoriy?

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Just a general question on proper wording, in our bylaws it states 'All meetings of voting Members shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order where not inconsistent with the by-laws of the Association and a quorum for such meetings shall consist of not less than 60%  voting Members present in person or by proxy.' 


This is the only reference to RONR in our bylaws or handbook of rules.  My question is this; Does RONR apply to our organization as parlimentary authoriy?

Yes, of course. Why wouldn't it? While this is not quite the recommended wording, it seems quite clear that RONR is applicable.

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