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Changing an existing policy

Liz Williams

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When an organization has a previously Board voted and adopted policy (voted in 2014) if a new Board has decided to put in place a policy that conflicts with the existing do they first need to rescind the existing one through a vote and then put the new one in place? Or will simply voting the new one in override the previously existing one?

Thanks for any response- I tried to do a search in the group but didn't find what I was looking for.


Liz Williams



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The current policy can be rescinded and a new one adopted or simply amended by the current board, whichever makes more sense, but you can't just adopt a conflicting motion.

"By means of the motions to Rescind and to Amend Something Previously Adopted —which are two forms of one incidental main motion governed by identical rules—the assembly can change an action previously taken or ordered. Rescind—also known as Repeal or Annul—is the motion by which a previous action or order can be canceled or countermanded. The effect of Rescind is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, order, or rule that has been adopted at some previous time. Amend Something Previously Adopted is the motion that can be used if it is desired to change only a part of the text, or to substitute a different version."    See RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff 

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5 minutes ago, Liz Williams said:

Thank you - the new policy that the Board wants to put in place has several areas that conflict so a simple amendment is likely not the best course of action.


As noted above amend can be used to substitute a different version.  The moment you rescind the old policy you have no policy for that matter.  So have a new one ready to go if you decide to go the rescind route.  I'd suggest a careful read of the passage cited including the voting requirements as well.

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