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A corrupt board member


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I'm a 25 year member of a VFD. My question is this. 

The Secretary on the board of directors falsified documents to receive money that she wasn't entitled to receive. I discovered and reported to the board.  They turned the other cheek, allowed her tho repay the money and keep her position, no repercussions. She is up for re-election. How do I bring this up to stop her from being re-elected? Can you legally object to a nomination? 

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17 minutes ago, bjones41 said:

I'm a 25 year member of a VFD. My question is this. 

The Secretary on the board of directors falsified documents to receive money that she wasn't entitled to receive. I discovered and reported to the board.  They turned the other cheek, allowed her tho repay the money and keep her position, no repercussions. She is up for re-election. How do I bring this up to stop her from being re-elected? Can you legally object to a nomination? 

There is no rule regarding campaigning outside of the meeting. 

You cannot object to a nomination; you could raise a point of order if the member is ineligible, but you have not suggested that she is.  

Nominations are debatable, but the rules of debate would prohibit you accusing another member as this would reflect on the member's "conduct and character (P. 344)."

There could be several "back door" methods.  Some are dependent on your bylaws.

It may be possible to make a motion to censure the individual, which would permit debate regarding the member's "conduct and character."  There is no guarantee that you could do this before the election, if you try to do this at the election meeting.  The motion would have to be seconded, and I think you will need very strong support to discuss it. 

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Bjones, if your organization will be using a nominating committee, and if she hasn't already been nominated, you and others can talk to the members of the nominating committee and explain the situation to them and urge them not to nominate her. Of course, unless your bylaws prohibit it, she could be nominated from the floor by one of her supporters.

I agree with JJ that the best thing is probably to discuss the situation privately with the other members outside of a meeting context. 

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