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Substitute Motion

Guest Doug OB

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Yes. However, the posting serves as a notice and any amendments must not exceed the scope of the notice. In other words, if the motion was to, for example, make a donation to the local food bank for $100 any amendment could be for less but not more, or a substitute could not be moved that the church purchase a new building for $500,000 instead.

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The chair denied the substitute motion because the substitute motion would replace the main motion and could not be made because it had not been posted a week prior to the meeting.  The main motion was to use surplus funds to do maintenance work.  The substitute motion was to revise the budget to do the maintenance work and use the surplus funds to retire some of  the church dept.


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7 minutes ago, Guest Doug OB said:

The chair denied the substitute motion because the substitute motion would replace the main motion and could not be made because it had not been posted a week prior to the meeting.  The main motion was to use surplus funds to do maintenance work.  The substitute motion was to revise the budget to do the maintenance work and use the surplus funds to retire some of  the church dept

I think the chair ruled correctly. The motion which notice was provided for was related to maintenance work. A motion relating to retirements would not be germane.

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There are at least two interpret that original motion but I think both interpretations lead to the chair ruling correctly.

The chair could rule that the topic was how to spend the surplus funds. In that case the substitute goes beyond scope because it talks about revising the budget.

In the alternative, the topic of the motion was how do we pay for the maintenance work. In that case, the substitute adds in the topic of debt retirement, which is outside of scope. In this reading, if the substitute just said that we revise the budget to accommodate the costs of maintenance work, it would have been within the scope of notice.

Of course, either of these rulings would have been subject to an appeal at the time they were made.


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My thinking was there were two issues.  

How to pay for maintenance work and how to spend surplus funds.

My substitute motion recommended paying for the maintenance work with a budget revision and spending the surplus funds to pay down debt.

You all are probably right but I thought this could be done with a substitute motion.  What should I have done to accomplish what I was trying to do?

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7 minutes ago, Guest Doug OB said:

What should I have done

Flippant Answer:  Gone back in time and post your two proposals as separate motions.

Serious Answer:  Post your two proposals as separate motions in time for the next church business meeting.

Edited by jstackpo
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1 hour ago, Guest Doug OB said:

My thinking was there were two issues.  

How to pay for maintenance work and how to spend surplus funds.

My substitute motion recommended paying for the maintenance work with a budget revision and spending the surplus funds to pay down debt.

You all are probably right but I thought this could be done with a substitute motion.  What should I have done to accomplish what I was trying to do?

Since you say your church’s rules require motions to be posted one week before the business meeting, I don’t think you could have accomplished this objective without providing notice of your motion in advance.

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