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Use of an Election Slate or Not


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47 minutes ago, rlecats said:

I thought I read in RONR that the use of a slate in officer elections is discouraged because it takes away a member's right to vote her conscience on each candidate nominated.  Now, I can't locate that passage in RONR.  Does one exist?

RONR does not say this in so many words, but it is indeed the case that the use of a slate is prohibited, not merely discouraged, because each member has the right to vote for the candidate of her choice for each position. (This is not quite the same as voting on each candidate, because elections are not “yes/no” - you have to vote for someone.) A rule in the bylaws would be required to provide for electing officers by a “yes/no” vote on a slate of candidates.

See this thread for a number of citations supporting this position.

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