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How to distinguish two members with the same last name

Guest nina

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I find nothing in RONR, 11th ed to discourage the use of first and last name both in the case of confusion.

So now, Mr. John James Smith and Mr. John James Smith, have both sought recognition.  It is up to the chair to make the distinction.   This distinction should be clear to the assembly and neither prejudicial nor flippant.  As the minutes are to reflect the names of people making motions, they should also be as permanent as possible.  So distinction by dress needs to be avoided, but age, seniority, or hometown might work well.  Perhaps major or current address.  Some of these might be deemed prejudicial depending on the nature of the assembly, and therefore should not be used.

But except in cases of actual conflict, I see no reason for the body itself to have to formally act.  It is the chairman's duty to recognize, so it is the chairman's duty to determine how to address the members.

If I were faced with such a situation, and I could not determine how to distinguish them, I would call them to the front and have a quick discussion (with the microphone turned off) as to agreeable forms.  Perhaps one has an acceptable nickname.  Perhaps they would accept designators "Mr. Smith the Blue" and "Mr. Smith the Green".


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10 hours ago, Guest nina said:

Okay so if you are in a formal meeting, which they call upon you by your last name and two people have the same one how do you distinguish them? or would a motion have to be called in order to get to name them by their positions instead, if so which kind of motion? 

In such cases, I suppose I would use their first name (or first initial) along with their last name, or use their position, either instead of or in addition to their last name. The only thing I would be sure to avoid is to refer to them by only their first name. I see no need for a motion for any of this.

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