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Guest Christine

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Our bylaws state: " no person may be a candidate for more than one position.  A nominee on the elections committee’s slate is eligible only for election to the position to which the committee has nominated that nominee"   A member of the board (director) was nominated for President and elected, but did not step down as a director, and the proposed slate contained only enough directors to fill expiring terms of others. There were no additional nominees and the slate was elected by acclimation.   After the election, a notice for a special board meeting was sent to the membership informing that the "newly elected" board would hold a special meeting to appoint a director to fill his vacated position.  Is this the correct method for handling? 


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Parsing your bylaw statement (which is really up to your association to do, but since you asked...) as best I can, my first question is "What vacancy?"

There is nothing in RONR that prevents a person from holding two positions.   Near as I can tell, your current (newly elected) president is also holding down a board position which, I take it, was not an expiring term/position and he/she did not resign that board position when elected president.  The board now has as many members as there are positions.

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Your organization will have to decide for itself the meaning of its bylaw provisions relating to this question. There is nothing in RONR which prohibits a member from holding two positions on a board (although he will only be entitled to one vote, not two). As best I can determine, nothing in what you have quoted from your bylaws prohibits your newly elected president from retaining his position as a member of the board, but my opinion in this regard is of no real consequence. (In other words, I agree with Dr. Stackpole.)

If your newly elected president resigns his office as a director, the resultant vacancy should be filled in whatever manner your bylaws provide for filling such vacancies. If they contain no such provision, the vacancy should be filled by whatever body elected him to that office in the first place.


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