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Reconsider / Rescind

Guest Inspired Mary

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Guest Inspired Mary

A motion was made to basically censor a officer in 2015.   Part of the censor was this person cannot perform duties associated with the organization, stropped short of expelling.  Now, someone wants to move to rescind or reconsider, to allow this person to be on committee.  Based on my research thus far,  based on the vote and the action to restrict her this request to rescind that vote is invalid.  Article 6 Section 37. exceptions: votes cannot be rescinded after something has been done as a result of that vote;

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Since the censured person is still restricted from whatever, it is perfectly proper to rescind the unexpired or unexecuted portion of the original motion.   RONR p. 308, line 21.

Looks like your reference is to the 1915 edition of Robert's Rules.  Get the current edition here :


Or in your local bookstore.

Edited by jstackpo
spelling of "censure"
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2 hours ago, Guest Inspired Mary said:

A motion was made to basically censor a officer in 2015.

I think you mean censure.

2 hours ago, Guest Inspired Mary said:

Part of the censor was this person cannot perform duties associated with the organization, stropped short of expelling. 

This is more accurately described as a “suspension” rather than a “censure.”

2 hours ago, Guest Inspired Mary said:

Now, someone wants to move to rescind or reconsider, to allow this person to be on committeeBased on my research thus far,  based on the vote and the action to restrict her this request to rescind that vote is invalid.  Article 6 Section 37. exceptions: votes cannot be rescinded after something has been done as a result of that vote;

I agree that Reconsider is not in order. Reconsider is not in order when action has been taken as a result of the vote, and it also has very strict time limits which have long passed.

As for Rescind, it is not possible to rescind the motion in its entirety (since it is simply not possible to change the fact that the member has been suspended for the past four years), but the unexecuted part of the motion may be rescinded - that is, the assembly is free to end the suspension if it wishes to do so. Alternatively, the motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted could be used to change the terms of the suspension (such as by permitting the member to serve on the committee in question, but keeping the rest of the suspension in place).

“ACTIONS THAT CANNOT BE RESCINDED OR AMENDED. The motions to Rescind and to Amend Something Previously Adopted are not in order under the following circumstances:  

b) When something has been done, as a result of the vote on the main motion, that is impossible to undo. (The unexecuted part of an order, however, can be rescinded or amended.)” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 308)

As Dr. Stackpole notes, the text in question is over a century old, and the rules on this subject have been clarified in that time.

Edited by Josh Martin
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