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temporary new class of membership

Guest mary ann knight

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Guest mary ann knight

We are a Country Club and want to run a pilot program to attract new members (they would pay a reduced rate during the pilot program).  The program would last for less than a year.  We do not want to amend the bylaws to create this temporary class.  Can we go to the membership, and and ask them to approve this pilot program, with the proviso that if we want to extend the program we would have to come back next year and get a bylaw amendment approved. We are willing to meet the by-law requirements regarding quorum and voting percentage, we just don't want to change the by-laws for a short term experiment.

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Overall, I agree with Mr. Mervosh on this (Not just this -- several other areas, as well). However, there are many details missing which may affect the answer.

Is the only difference for those members in the pilot program that they are going to pay lower dues? Are the dues specified in the bylaws or somewhere else? The answers to those two questions may give you an alternative to a bylaws amendment.

If you do need to amend your bylaws, you could put in a provision specifying that it is only temporary. That is, the new section will be rescinded unless it is confirmed, or amended and confirmed, by the membership at another meeting before a specified date about a year from now or at the next annual meeting.

I suggest it would be worthwhile for you to hire a parliamentarian to review your documents, outline your options, and draft the wording for your motion so that you avoid confusion and unnecessary arguments about process.



Edited by Atul Kapur
Added parenthetical remark and corrected typo
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Guest mary ann knight

The bylaws require new members purchase a membership certificate, the price of which is set by the BOG.  We want to create a reduced price for this membership certificate for the trial period. In essence we would be creating a second type of membership certificate.

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Just now, Guest mary ann knight said:

The bylaws require new members purchase a membership certificate, the price of which is set by the BOG.  We want to create a reduced price for this membership certificate for the trial period. In essence we would be creating a second type of membership certificate.Ho

I don't know that you are actually creating a separate class of membership.  If your bylaws give the Board the authority to set the dues with no restrictions, it  seems to me the board can decide to lower the dues for all new members who join during whatever time period the board specifies.  So, I suppose I agree with Dr. Kapur in the sense that you might be able to accomplish what you want to do without a bylaws amendment.  If it is your intent that this new group of members constitute a new "class" of membership, then that would require a bylaw amendment as Mr. Mervosh suggested.   Based on what you have stated, though, I don't see where this is a different class.  My understanding of what you said is that these particular members are just being charged a lower membership fee than existing  members for a certain period of time.

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I think the portion of the thread title that says new class of membership is quite accurate.  It seems this type of membership has a finite term, unlike the regular members, and a dues structure different from the regular members.  How is this not a new "class" of membership?

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1 hour ago, George Mervosh said:

I think the portion of the thread title that says new class of membership is quite accurate.  It seems this type of membership has a finite term, unlike the regular members, and a dues structure different from the regular members.  How is this not a new "class" of membership?

Guest Mary Ann Knight referred to it as a "Temporary new class of membership" in the title to her post, but I don't think that is conclusive as to whether it actually *is* a new class of membership.  She hasn't said anything to indicate that there is anything to distinguish this  group of new members from other members except the fact that new members who join during a prescribed period of time will pay reduced dues.  Since the Board has the authority to set dues, I see this as properly within the authority of the Board to do without creating an actual new class of membership. 

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