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Can Nominations be Opened Early?

Guest Rektroth

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I've been the Chairman of my organization's assembly for the last year, and our next election is fast approaching. Because of this, I began thinking about what our bylaws say regarding nominations for elections:


Section 2.  Nominations for all positions shall take place one week prior to their election.  Nominations for all elected positions shall remain open until the Chairman closes them the day of the election.

In past years, the floor has been opened to nominations as much as a month before the election, the argument for this being that RONR permits the assembly to vote on opening the floor for nominations early. Is this true, or are we required to wait to open the floor for nominations until one week before the election?

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31 minutes ago, Guest Rektroth said:

I've been the Chairman of my organization's assembly for the last year, and our next election is fast approaching. Because of this, I began thinking about what our bylaws say regarding nominations for elections:

In past years, the floor has been opened to nominations as much as a month before the election, the argument for this being that RONR permits the assembly to vote on opening the floor for nominations early. Is this true, or are we required to wait to open the floor for nominations until one week before the election?

No, nothing in RONR says that an organization can open nominations earlier than the time prescribed in the bylaws. If the bylaws provide that nominations are opened one week prior to the election, then that is what must be done, unless and until the bylaws are amended.

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7 minutes ago, Josh Martin said:

No, nothing in RONR says that an organization can open nominations earlier than the time prescribed in the bylaws. If the bylaws provide that nominations are opened one week prior to the election, then that is what must be done, unless and until the bylaws are amended.

Wouldn't this be a rule in the nature of a rule of order? If they are having meetings, then I would think they could suspend the rules to open nominations at a meeting held more than one week prior to the election.

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31 minutes ago, Atul Kapur said:

Wouldn't this be a rule in the nature of a rule of order? If they are having meetings, then I would think they could suspend the rules to open nominations at a meeting held more than one week prior to the election.

I agree.  This seems more like a rule of order than a qualification for holding office.  I think the rules can be suspended to open nominations early.

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1 hour ago, Atul Kapur said:

Wouldn't this be a rule in the nature of a rule of order? If they are having meetings, then I would think they could suspend the rules to open nominations at a meeting held more than one week prior to the election.

I agree, it there is nothing about nominations in the bylaws.  There usually is.  :)

Edit:  There is something in this organization's bylaws.  I agree with Mr. Martin. 

Edited by J. J.
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9 minutes ago, Atul Kapur said:

Whose rights are violated if the rule is suspended at a meeting one month before the election to open nominations early?

I would agree that there is a problem if someone tried to suspend the rules to close nominations before the time specified in the bylaws, or other rule.

A member might want to to sound out other members about running, or see what his own support is.  There may be certain duties tied to being a nominee.

It would not be a problem, however, with a member indicating that he plans to nominate someone at the nomination meeting, provided that it is order for the member to speak at that time. 

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19 hours ago, Guest Rektroth said:

I've been the Chairman of my organization's assembly for the last year, and our next election is fast approaching. Because of this, I began thinking about what our bylaws say regarding nominations for elections:

In past years, the floor has been opened to nominations as much as a month before the election, the argument for this being that RONR permits the assembly to vote on opening the floor for nominations early. Is this true, or are we required to wait to open the floor for nominations until one week before the election?

Here is what we are told the bylaws say:

"Nominations for all positions shall take place one week prior to their election.  Nominations for all elected positions shall remain open until the Chairman closes them the day of the election."

What's going on here? Are all nominations being made during a meeting, or are they being made between meetings somehow? 

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On 10/5/2020 at 12:03 PM, Daniel H. Honemann said:

What's going on here? Are all nominations being made during a meeting, or are they being made between meetings somehow? 

We have nominations take place at meetings, but we have always interpreted the "open until the Chairman closes them" to mean that nominations may also be sent to the Secretary outside of meetings.

Now thinking about it, I'm not sure that doing both makes much sense.

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