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Voting online in a private forum after a video meeting so to not prolong the meeting time for everyone.

Guest Terri Tipps

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Our Association has rules governing in person (video) meetings where a vote is needed.  Since we have been using more online platforms, in this case, Basecamp;  we recently had a meeting that was prolonged by discussion of a vote that needed to be completed.  Due to time (our board lives across many time zones) we decided to continue the conversation and vote in Basecamp.  Our bylaws state that in person or video, votes are a majority win, however, not in person votes must be 100% win.  This was overlooked at the time of decision to continue the discussion and vote in Basecamp.

My question to Robert's Rules is:  Since this vote was an agreed upon continuation of our in person meeting shouldn't the vote stand as an in person vote?

The vote passed with a majority but since it was written and not in person should we revote?  What is the proper course of action?

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15 minutes ago, Guest Terri Tipps said:

My question to Robert's Rules is:  Since this vote was an agreed upon continuation of our in person meeting shouldn't the vote stand as an in person vote?

The vote passed with a majority but since it was written and not in person should we revote?  What is the proper course of action?

RONR has no answer to these questions. The rule in question is found in your bylaws, not RONR. It will be up to your organization to interpret its own bylaws.

Generally, I am inclined to think that if the bylaws require unanimous approval for actions taken outside of the context of an in-person or videoconference meeting, that rule applies regardless of whether the action originated at in in-person or videoconference meeting. If this is correct and the motion did fail, the motion could be reintroduced at a future meeting.

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I concur with Mr. Martin's comments.  Although it is up to your organization to interpret its own rules, my own opinion, for whatever it is worth, is the same as that of Mr. Martin.  We might have an opinion on it based on our limited knowledge of your organization, but it is your members who make the actual decision.

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Am I the only one who is somewhat confused as to exactly what types of meetings Guest Terri Tipps is asking about? At the very least,the reference to in person meetings seems to differ from RONR's description of an in person meeting. Also, what type of platform is Basecamp? Guest Terri seems to imply that it is different from both in person meetings as well as video meetings, but I have no idea what the difference(s) might be.

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