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Number and Title of a Renewed Resolution

Guest David D.

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In our assembly, we number all resolutions and upload them to a website that tracks their legislative history. For example, the fourth resolution introduced in the year would read "Resolution 4: Title..." In our most recent session, a resolution failed after voting, and there is interest in renewing the resolution as New Business in a future session (our Bylaws do not prohibit doing so). If the content of the resolution is identical to the previous one, should it have a new index number or a different one? 

If the resolution is re-introduced, then it should be treated as a new resolution with a new legislative history. However, if the content is the same, then its legislative history should reflect previous events, i.e. its rejection in prior sessions.

Thank You.

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1 hour ago, Guest David D. said:

In our assembly, we number all resolutions and upload them to a website that tracks their legislative history. For example, the fourth resolution introduced in the year would read "Resolution 4: Title..." In our most recent session, a resolution failed after voting, and there is interest in renewing the resolution as New Business in a future session (our Bylaws do not prohibit doing so). If the content of the resolution is identical to the previous one, should it have a new index number or a different one? 

If the resolution is re-introduced, then it should be treated as a new resolution with a new legislative history. However, if the content is the same, then its legislative history should reflect previous events, i.e. its rejection in prior sessions.

RONR does not have rules regarding a tracking system of the nature you describe. As a result, RONR has no answer to this question. It will be up to your organization to interpret its own rules (or customs) on the subject.

Edited by Josh Martin
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