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If I was wondering about the legality of  a motion that was passed in the previous Board Meeting, how could I ask for that to be reviewed or discussed at the next meeting? Is there a procedure that allows members of a Board to get items on the agenda prior to the next meeting? 

22 minutes ago, Douglas Walker said:

If I was wondering about the legality of  a motion that was passed in the previous Board Meeting, how could I ask for that to be reviewed or discussed at the next meeting? 

If the alleged violation of the rules meets one of the exceptions to the timeliness requirement for a point of order (RONR 12th ed. 23:6) you can raise a point of order at the next meeting.  The chair will rule on the point and the ruling can likely be appealed (RONR 12th ed. §24).  I would suggest you read 23:5 and 23:6.

26 minutes ago, Douglas Walker said:

Is there a procedure that allows members of a Board to get items on the agenda prior to the next meeting? 

See if FAQ#14 answers your question.  https://robertsrules.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faqs


RONR does not require motions to be on the agenda before they are debated and voted on. 

Having said this there are some motions that do need advance notice (previous notice in RONR) but even they do not need to be on the agenda. 

The motion you are looking for is "point of order" maybe followed by appeal. An illegal adopted motion is an continuing breach.

Another option is to "Rescind or amend a previous adopted motion " that does not only go into the legality but also  if the adoption was a good idea in the first place. This motion does need previous notice at a meeting or mentioning In the invitation to the meeting. (Without it it needs a 2/3 supermajority) 

The above is all about RONR,  meeting rules included in laws and your organizations bylaws have precedence over RONR and should  be considered in precedence.


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