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Referendum (Up or Down Vote) Before Amendments

Guest New Guy

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Something I'm struggling with is how does one simply do a vote on a motion brought to the floor without allowing amendments? That is, something more akin to an election/referendum item? Consider a meeting that is advisory to the decision maker. And a proposal exists where the decision maker wants to simply be advised on the proposal in it's current form, not take amendments to change the proposal. I this of this as a referendum vote, not a typical motion that could lead to amendments that are voted on in an effort to come up with a better proposal. Any advice on how to proceed with a motion that is yes/no, with discussion but not amendments?

Thank you!

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Once placed before the assembly, the assembly has the right (among other things) to amend the motion before voting on it.  

If the assembly does not have the actual power to carry out such an action as suggested in the proposal, but is only acting in an advisory capacity to someone else, then the motion can be of the form:  "It is the sense of the <body> that <action> should be done," and vote yes or no on that.

But even then there is no prohibition against changing the wording of the motion.  Since this is only advice (in the nature of a committee recommendation) it makes little difference what the motion actually says, as long as the "decision maker" can figure out the sense of the body.

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Yes, it is correct that the rules allowing debate and amendment are suspendible.

In the case proposed by the OP, it appears that debate is to be allowed but it is desired to suppress amendments.  The motion could be of the form:  "I move to suspend the rules and consider without possibility of amendment, the following: That the clubhouse be painted purple."  If the requisite 2/3 vote is not achieved, the motion may still be considered by moving it normally, but amendments would then be allowed.

If it is desired to allow neither debate nor amendment, the motion is:  "to suspend the rules and pass the following motion: …".  A vote is taken immediately, and again a 2/3 approval is required.


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If the assembly is being asked by this "decision maker" to instruct him as to whether he should or should not adopt Proposal X in its current form, in other words, simply provide a "yes" or "no" answer to his question, a motion can be made "that (decision maker) be instructed that he should (or should not) adopt Proposal X." This motion can be amended by amending the proposed instruction, but the terms of Proposal X will not be open to amendment. 

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