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What are the procedure for accountability of the of funds donated to the organization.


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What is the official procedure for handling funds that is donated to the organization.  Should all funds be given to the Treasurer to be placed in the organization account, to be account for and to keep records of the donation.  Then the Treasurer will send out payment for what ever the funds were designed to cover.

One of Board Members received a donation from the donor who wanted to remain an ominous. The Board Member did not present the check to the organization or turn the check in to the Treasurer to be accounted for.  These funds were donated to pay the fees for several VIPs that will be coming to a function the organization is hosting.  The Board Member either paid or sent the check directly to the VIPs to pay for their fees to attend our event.  He said this is how he did it last year to keep the donor who wanted to remain an ominous. 

This my first year as the organization President, I find how the donation was handle was improperly and could be a liability to our organization. 

Would you be able to share some information about handling funds that is donated even if the donor wants to remain an ominous.

Thank You,

Glinda Pareso


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Robert's Rules only discusses such matters in very general terms (which is cited below). These are ultimately questions concerning administrative rules, not parliamentary ones. RONR is a book about parliamentary procedure, and therefore has no answer to your question. The organization is free to adopt its own rules on these matters if its current rules are unclear. It may be helpful to reach out to other similar organizations and see how they handle such matters, or to do some research on best practices for accounting in non-profit organizations.

"The treasurer of an organization is the officer entrusted with the custody of its funds. The treasurer, and any other officers who handle funds of the society, should be bonded for a sum sufficient to protect the society from loss. The specific duties of the treasurer will vary depending on the size and complexity of the society; but this officer cannot disburse funds except by authority of the society or as the bylaws prescribe. The treasurer is required to make a full financial report annually or as the bylaws may prescribe, and to make such interim reports as the assembly or the executive board may direct. (For the suggested form of this annual report in simple cases, see 48:22ff.)" RONR (12th ed.) 47:38

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On 2/13/2023 at 9:59 PM, Glinda said:

handling funds that is donated to the organization

The mention of donation makes me wonder if it is a non-profit or even a charity. If either is the case, then you want to be very careful that you handle your funds in a way that does not risk that status. Check with your accountant and lawyer.

Edited by Atul Kapur
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