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need quick help power of committies

Guest Smmastiff

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im in a hurry can not find my book 

 i am president , a  sole person who head of a  committee made a decision and acted on it a decision that would cost us $1000. I revered it and the  The head  of that committee is refusing to acknowledge    and relinquish their decision .  what does Roberts say about the power of committies

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It says that committees, except in rare cases, don't have the power to act on their decisions, they only recommend action to the parent body, which is free to adopt, change, or reject the recommendations.

And their recommendations (delivered in a report) are arrived at by majority vote in the committee, not by the chairman acting alone.

If the chairman spends 1000 dollars without any approval at all, he should be prepared to pay it out of his own pocket.  The organization is not obligated to pay for something it did not agree to spend on.

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