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Motion made does it have to be followed through with

Guest Jolly

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Once a motion is made and properly passes does it have to be followed through with? Motion made to give a club 3 choices on how to rectify a problem. Given one month to choose one of the 3 options. Instead they make themselves in compliance and the main overall portion of the organization says they are in compliance so they won't enforce the motion. It's hard to explain but I hope you get the jest of it. 







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On 3/29/2023 at 10:36 PM, Guest Jolly said:

Once a motion is made and properly passes does it have to be followed through with? Motion made to give a club 3 choices on how to rectify a problem. Given one month to choose one of the 3 options. Instead they make themselves in compliance and the main overall portion of the organization says they are in compliance so they won't enforce the motion. It's hard to explain but I hope you get the jest of it. 

It depends on the exact wording of the motion, and whether it says what the assembly intended when they adopted it.

If, for example, it was moved that the club be given three choices, and it was, then perhaps the motion has been carried out.  Were there additional parts of the motion that actually mandated that some consequence would be carried out based on the choices without anyone intervening?

I can't give an answer except in general terms.  The motion as worded when it was passed must be carried out.  One would hope that it contained such language as "...unless the <group> brings itself into compliance...", but if not, it's unfortunate that it was poorly drafted.

In any case, it can be Rescinded  in accordance with the rules in Section 35 of RONR 12th edition. 

The motion to Rescind 

  • requires a second;
  • is debatable;
  • is amendable; and
  • for passage requires:  
    • (a) a two-thirds vote, or
    • (b) a majority vote when previous notice has been given, or
    • (c) a vote of a majority of the entire membership

— any one of which will suffice. 

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