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Executive Meeting Minutes- forgotten agenda item

G. Niehaus

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If an organization that has about 3-4 executive meetings, including 1 full board meeting, per year (March, September, December) and forgets to approve executive meeting minutes (December-prior year minutes) in the executive meeting held this month (March), how would one go about handling the missed agenda item?  -Does this need to be mentioned in current minutes from March? -Brought to the next meeting for approval, then approve minutes from the March meeting next? -Have a special meeting to just approve minutes that were missed? -Would this be too long to wait if it happens at the September meeting?

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Just be be sure I understand the question, when you refer to executive meetings, are you referring to executive session (secret) meetings, or to executive committee (subset of the board) meetings?

From your contrast with "full" board meetings I assume it's the latter.

When the chair neglects to handle approval of minutes, a member may call attention to that omission b raising a Point of Order.

If there are one or two meetings gone by without approving the minutes, they should be handled at the next opportunity, and considered starting with the oldest set of minutes to be approved.  The minutes of the meeting where that occurs will indicate the minutes that were approved, as read, as printed, or as corrected.  Corrections, if any, are made in the actual minutes being corrected, not in the minutes of the meeting at which they were corrected.


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Thanks for the quick response everyone. Our "executive committee" meetings are composed of the "board of directors or officers". As far as the "secret meetings", these are held the same day as the exec. committee, but usually right at the end of the meeting when everyone else steps out. Does this make sense? 

So I think from this discussion...... we are basically going to wait until September and review the minutes from December (prior year), then open for discussion, etc., then minutes from March.

Thanks again!

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