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The question

Guest J. Bobo

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The term "call the question" is a non-standard form of a motion, Previous Question.  The proper form, in its simplest, is "I move the Previous Question".

Previous Question is a subsidiary motion.  It requires a second; it is not debatable or amendable; and, its adoption requires a two-thirds vote.  For all the particulars, see RONR (12th ed.) §16.













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On 4/11/2023 at 3:21 PM, Rob Elsman said:

The term "call the question" is a non-standard form of a motion, Previous Question.  The proper form, in its simplest, is "I move the Previous Question".

Previous Question is a subsidiary motion.  It requires a second; it is not debatable or amendable; and, its adoption requires a two-thirds vote.  For all the particulars, see RONR (12th ed.) §16.

I agree, but would add that in a meeting of a small board of no more than about a dozen members using the "Small Board Rules" of RONR, seconds are not necessary.  But in ordinary assemblies, they are required.

The term "I call the Question" is frowned upon because it gives the impression that one member acting alone can stop debate and demand a vote.  That's not the way it works.  It is actually a motion to end debate which requires a second AND a two-thirds vote to adopt.  However, because the incorrect phrase "I call the question" is used so often, some members (and presiding officers) actually think that one member can DEMAND that debate stop instantly and that the motion be voted on immediately. 

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On 4/11/2023 at 4:08 PM, Guest J. Bobo said:

When someone calls for the question, does it require a second?


Agreeing with my colleagues, I would add that another misconception about this motion is that it can interrupt a speaker.  It most certainly cannot.

So one does not "call for the question".  One waits for the speaker to finish, seeks recognition from the chair, and if and when recognized, says "I move the Previous Question."  As noted, a second, and two-thirds approval is necessary, otherwise discussion on the (previous) question continues.

It is also in order to move the Previous Question when one already has the floor and has spoken in debate, if the rules in RONR apply, but this has been known to draw looks of disapproval by some.

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Agreeing with Mr. Novosielski, a member wishing to move the previous question must first be recognized by the chair. The chair can and should ignore someone who simply shouts “I call the question“ or even “I move the previous question“ from the back of the room (or even the front of the room) without having first been recognized by the chair. It’s just like making any other motion: you must be recognized first.

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On 4/11/2023 at 3:24 PM, Richard Brown said:

I agree, but would add that in a meeting of a small board of no more than about a dozen members using the "Small Board Rules" of RONR, seconds are not necessary.  But in ordinary assemblies, they are required.

And the Previous Question is out of order in committee. 16:4

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