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Term of Office/Election of President


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If during an election of officers, the nominated person for the position of president remains unfilled, because the nominated person does not obtain a majority of votes required, does the current president continue in the role (as contemplated by the below-referenced first provision) or does the vice-president assume the role (as contemplated by the below-referenced second provision)?

The pertinent bylaw provisions provide:

I. Term of Office.  

Officers shall serve for a two-year term or until their successors are elected.  Elected officers shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms (4 years) at a time in the same office.  However, after serving in the same office for 2 consecutive terms, an officer may be elected to serve an additional term in said office after an interval of one term (2 years).

2. Vacancies

When a vacancy occurs in the President position, the Vice-President will assume the role as Chapter.

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If in an election for any office, no candidate receives a majority (presumably there were more than two candidates) then the election is not yet completed.

Vote counts are announced and a second ballot is taken.  If the assembly wishes to do so, nominations can be reopened between rounds.  Also, one or more candidates might voluntarily withdraw.

The process is repeated for subsequent ballots until someone achieves a majority.

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I'm not sure Mr. Novosielski answered MichelleNOLA's question.... or maybe I misunderstand the question.

It is correct that if no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for that office, the election is incomplete and new rounds of balloting should take place asap.  However, if for some reason there is a delay in conducting a new ballot, the current president would remain as president until the election is completed based on the wording in the bylaws that says officers continue to serve until their successors are elected.  Ideally, the repeat balloting takes place at the same meeting as the first ballot, but this isn't necessarily required, especially if the election is by mail or if the completion of the election is postponed until another meeting.  If reasonable efforts are being made to complete the election, I would say that the current (outgoing) president is still president.

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