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Guest Melissa Almaguer

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Guest Melissa Almaguer

I am on a Board of Directors for a little league baseball team.  Our bylaws state that we will follow Robert's Rules of Order but that we can conduct votes via email or text if necessary.  Recently the President put before the board via email between two regular season coaches to be the All-Star coach. However, no official motion or second was made.  The vote was a 4-4 tie with one abstention.  The President voted as it is a committee smaller than 12.  The President then stated via email that since there was no official motion there was no requirement of a majority vote and then proceeded to appoint the guy he voted for as the All-Star coach with no further discussion.  Our by-laws do not state that he can do this.  What would be our next steps?  Thanks!

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If there was no motion, there was nothing to vote on.  And then the vote failed anyway.  His reasoning on being allowed to do whatever he pleases is what parliamentarians refer to as bat-poop crazy.

You need to at least adopt a motion of censure against the president to express displeasure with the way he's breaking the rules.   If that doesn't wake him up, its time for a new president.  Refer to our FAQ list here, and scroll down to Question #20. 

By the way, any action he took beyond his authority is null and void. Any member can raise a point of order to that effect at a meeting, and be prepared to Appeal it if it is not treated properly by the chair.  (See RONR 12th ed.  §§23-24 )

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