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What motions are in order following a committee report?

Brad Johnson

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If an annual meeting has the following agenda adopted by the assembly:

- Confirmation of quorum

- Adoption of minutes

- Board report

- Executive team report

- Bylaws Revision

- Budget adoption

- Elections

- Adjournment

And the reports from the Board and ET do not have explicit recommendations but simply announcements of their planned course of action, is there any time in this agenda when a member can properly seek the floor to offer a resolution? Or are those plans properly interpreted as recommendations? To be honest, we have an organization that although it is formally obliged by the bylaws to follow RONR, in recent times the meetings have minimally adhered.

3:25 "After the presentation of the report of an officer, a board, or a committee, one or more motions to carry out recommendations contained in the report may be introduced." seems to restrict motions to those based explicitly on recommendations. 

Would the assembly need to ensure the agenda has New Business?

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On 5/28/2023 at 8:58 AM, Brad Johnson said:

And the reports from the Board and ET do not have explicit recommendations but simply announcements of their planned course of action, is there any time in this agenda when a member can properly seek the floor to offer a resolution?

A member could make a motion arising out of the committee report after the report has been made.

The member could also wait until New Business.

On 5/28/2023 at 8:58 AM, Brad Johnson said:

Or are those plans properly interpreted as recommendations?

No, I don't think so, based upon the fact presented.

On 5/28/2023 at 8:58 AM, Brad Johnson said:

Would the assembly need to ensure the agenda has New Business?

New Business is still in order after all business on the agenda has been completed, unless the organization's rules provide otherwise. The agenda is intended to ensure the organization complete the most important business first, and does not limit the business which can be completed.

With that said, it may well be desirable to explicitly provide for New Business on the agenda.

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On 5/28/2023 at 10:25 AM, Rob Elsman said:

Motions related to topics reported out of committee can be made immediately following the presentation of the report.  This is true even if the motions were not recommendations of the committee itself.

Thank you very much. Just for sake of reference, is there a RONR 12th e citation I can use? Looks like 3:21 "A motion may itself bring its subject to the assembly’s attention, or the motion may follow upon the presentation of a report or other communication."

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On 5/28/2023 at 11:21 AM, Josh Martin said:

New Business is still in order after all business on the agenda has been completed, unless the organization's rules provide otherwise. The agenda is intended to ensure the organization complete the most important business first, and does not limit the business which can be completed.

Do you think this is so in the instant case? 

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On 5/28/2023 at 1:21 PM, Dan Honemann said:
On 5/28/2023 at 10:21 AM, Josh Martin said:

New Business is still in order after all business on the agenda has been completed, unless the organization's rules provide otherwise. The agenda is intended to ensure the organization complete the most important business first, and does not limit the business which can be completed.

Do you think this is so in the instant case

The agenda has an entry for adjournment following elections. In my opinion, the intent is that the assembly is to adjourn immediately after the elections have been completed. Since this is so, a two-thirds vote is required to set aside the orders of the day to transact new business before adjournment.

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On 5/29/2023 at 1:02 PM, Rob Elsman said:

The agenda has an entry for adjournment following elections. In my opinion, the intent is that the assembly is to adjourn immediately after the elections have been completed. Since this is so, a two-thirds vote is required to set aside the orders of the day to transact new business before adjournment.

We don't know if the agenda was adopted (or even opened to debate) 

If it was never adopted only a motion to adjourn  can cause adjournment. (In my opinion that is)

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On 5/28/2023 at 1:21 PM, Dan Honemann said:

Do you think this is so in the instant case? 

I concur that in the instant case, where the agenda specifically provides for Adjournment immediately after completion of Elections, this will have the effect of preventing the introduction of New Business.

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