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Violations recorded by Parliamentarian


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Our bylaws state that as Parliamentarian..."any violations will be recorded by the Parliamentarian and reported to the Bord for corrective action.  My term is up as of June 1st.  During the transition to the next Parliamentarian, how much of what was recorded is kept?  I have a Parliamentarian email account with a lot documentation in it as well things in writing when members had grievances with other members.  Do I keep all of that as is to be passed on?  Our bylaws do not say anything else other violations are recorded and reported to the board.  


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None of this comports with the rules in RONR, so you'll have to refer to your bylaws for guidance, and hope that they are drafted clearly enough to help.

In the rules in RONR, the Parliamentarian is an advisor on parliamentary procedure to the president and, at times, to the membership as a whole, but is not the record keeper of violations, grievances, infractions, and petty inadequacies.

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This is a question for your organization to answer. Some questions that may help you arrive at a satisfactory answer include:

What would be the purpose of keeping such records / Why would the organization or individuals want to refer to them in the future?

What was done in the past?

What rules or guidance are there for such records in the possession of other officers and leaders? Could they serve as precedent or analogy for your position?

Is there a central repository?


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