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Approving minutes

Guest Bill

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On 6/1/2023 at 7:12 AM, Guest Bill said:

We have a lakke  HOA. Is the board required to approve the minutes before posting them for the membership? Thanks.

Nothing in Robert's Rules requires that your board post its minutes, either approved or unapproved, but if it does post unapproved minutes they should be clearly marked as such.

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On 6/1/2023 at 8:08 AM, Guest Bill said:

Thank you. Does there need to be a vote to decide whether to post or not or can the president direct the secretary not to post.

If you have no rule in place concerning the posting of minutes, and there is no applicable law concerning the matter, then any decision concerning the posting of minutes can only be arrived at by taking a vote. Nothing in Robert's Rules gives your president any such power.

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On 6/1/2023 at 8:25 AM, Dan Honemann said:

If you have no rule in place concerning the posting of minutes, and there is no applicable law concerning the matter, then any decision concerning the posting of minutes can only be arrived at by taking a vote. Nothing in Robert's Rules gives your president any such power.

To spell out the conclusion in excruciating detail, if there is no applicable law or rule, the default would be that the minutes are not posted. You say that the president does not have the authority but would you agree that the Secretary does not have the authority to post their draft minutes (i.e. the unapproved ones) or the approved ones without a board decision?

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I think it's fair to say that no one person has the power to decide to, or not to, post the minutes.  The assembly would need to vote on the matter, and of course the default is not to post it anyplace.

But to reinforce @Dan Honemann's advice, make sure that if you do post minutes, clearly mark whether they are Draft or Approved minutes.

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