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Voting and nominations

Guest Crystal

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Good morning! We recently sent out notice of a vote to take two alternate delegates to our National Convention. When the vote was conducted, there were nominees on the list who didn't even know they were nominated until after the fact. Therefore, they certainly hadn't accepted a nomination. Is it correct to say that for any type of vote, the nominees must accept the nomination before the vote is conducted? Others are saying that isn't necessary, since it wasn't a vote for officers... but that just seems fishy to me. I believe the vote was intentionally skewed in order to help sway the vote the way a couple of our officers wanted it to go. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated! I just want our members to all have a fair shot of going.

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While that is recommended, it is not mandatory unless your own rules make it so. RONR 46:13 states:

It is desirable policy for the nominating committee, before making its report, to contact each person whom it wishes to nominate, in order to obtain his acceptance of nomination—that is, his assurance that he will serve in the specified office if elected. The bylaws can make such a practice mandatory.


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As a follow up question, if there is a vote that involves sending delegates, there should always be nominations, correct? One of our other officers said that since it was a vote for officers, nominations were not even required. That makes no sense to me, because if we don't have nominations, how do we know who to vote for??

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On 6/6/2023 at 11:37 AM, Guest Crystal said:

As a follow up question, if there is a vote that involves sending delegates, there should always be nominations, correct? One of our other officers said that since it was a vote for officers, nominations were not even required. That makes no sense to me, because if we don't have nominations, how do we know who to vote for??

The answer will have to be found in your bylaws. 

RONR does not require nominations for any elections.  If your bylaws have no rule on the subject, you could conceivably just pass out blank pieces of paper for ballots, and have voters write names on them.  Can you tell us where your list of nominees came from?

Even if there are nominations, there is no requirement for acceptance or that the nominee is even informed of the nomination, although it's common sense to do so.  But it is within the rules to wait to see if you are elected.  If so, and you are not present to decline, you may decline as soon as you are informed that you were elected

Voters are not limited to voting only for people who have been nominated.  Ballots must contain a provision for write-in candidates, unless your bylaws prohibit the practice.

It is worth noting that assuming it is the Membership that is sending delegates, it is dangerous to rely on off-hand statements from officers about what is or isn't allowed.  The Membership decides how it wishes to proceed. Rulings take place in meetings, are issued by the chair, and are subject to Appeal.  If there is no rule to the contrary, a member at a Membership meeting may move to open nominations.  While they're not mandatory unless your bylaws say so, they are an available tool if members feel that would be a helpful procedure.

Again, it would be good to know where that "list" came from.  And remember that your bylaws can supersede any of the above.

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Thank you so much! I am currently in the process of trying to see where the "list" came from, and who made the nominations. If they aren't willing to show that information, then I know something fishy is going on. How would I be able to take action against it? Also, there was no line on the ballot for write-ins.

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On 6/6/2023 at 1:15 PM, Guest Crystal said:

I am currently in the process of trying to see where the "list" came from, and who made the nominations. If they aren't willing to show that information, then I know something fishy is going on. How would I be able to take action against it?

I am uncertain what you mean by "take action." If you mean to attempt to invalidate the results of the election, that would be accomplished by means of raising a Point of Order, followed by an Appeal if necessary, at the next meeting of the assembly. Based on the facts presented at this time, however, I do not see anything that would be grounds for invalidating the results of the election.

If instead you mean some sort of disciplinary action, check your bylaws or see Ch. XX of RONR if your bylaws are silent.

On 6/6/2023 at 1:15 PM, Guest Crystal said:

Also, there was no line on the ballot for write-ins.

While I think it is a best practice to include a line on preprinted ballot for write-in votes (or possibly multiple lines, depending on the circumstances), failure to include such a line is not a violation of the rules and is not grounds to invalidate the election. In such cases, members can cast write-in votes by writing in names in any available space on the ballot.

Edited by Josh Martin
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