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Dysfunctional board

Guest Roberta

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We have a ladies church group with a dysfunctional board. One co-president dominates every meeting, delegating her co-president to preparing the refreshments and leading the final prayer. This gal refuses to conduct the meetings according to Robert's and after 10 months has finally come up with an agenda arranged in her own original way. Board meetings are a nightmare with her screaming at the other 3 board members, who get along fine. 

Months ago, I was ready to censure her, but others felt it was un-Christian ... Us girls were taught to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings! ... However it's alright for her to call us "too old" (We're 87, 75, 55 and she's 53). Of course she only does this when it was the four officers ... She's all peaches and cream and love in the presence of rank and file members or our pastor.

There's an air of tension at all meetings because no one has any idea what's going on. She is always late and starts meetings 30 or more minutes late. People often have to leave early.

When she manages to prepare an agenda ... it does not resemble anything I've ever seen before.

A year ago at our re-organizational meetings 30 women attended. 20 prospective members have attended at least 1 meeting since and 4 have joined, so we now have 20 registered, dues paying members (out of a prospective 50) and attendance is usually 11-12. In March there were 8 and we couldn't hold a meeting because our quorum is 10. 

Ten attended our May 20 meeting. I had to leave early, but the toxic chair carried on as if she still had a full quorum! I guess no one knew enough to move for adjournment ... 

Several faithful members and a couple of new ones want to retire her. So what is the most Christian way to remove her from office without accusing her out loud for her reign of tyranny?

We were not elected as directed in our bylaws ... Our officers are supposed to be President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. No mention of Co-presidents.

1.  Would a motion to hold an election to assign the duties of president to one and VP to the other co-president work? I'm certain most members would not select HER for President? That way we'd be complying with the bylaws? ... and the members would not be confused about who is in charge! The term of office goes till May 2024.

2. Or a motion to void the (non-existent) election and vote for a totally new board?

3. Or a motion to dissolve the board and start over?

4. Or something else?

Any shred of guidance would be SO welcome. Thanks, in advance!



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By what means did you wind up with "co presidents" in the first place, given that your bylaws don't allow for them? By which I mean, what happened? And, more broadly, how do your board and officers get elected? Do the members elect the officers and directors, who then are the board, or do they elect the board members, who then choose the officers?

For good measure, what is the president's term of office, using the exact language in the bylaws?

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On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

We have a ladies church group with a dysfunctional board. One co-president dominates every meeting, delegating her co-president to preparing the refreshments and leading the final prayer.

I don't know that this will solve all the problems here, but for starters, you might want to put a stop to this "Co-President" business. For one thing, it appears your bylaws do not permit Co-Presidents. For another, it's a very bad idea.

"The anomalous title “co-chairman” should be avoided, as it causes impossible dilemmas in attempts to share the functions of a single position." RONR (12th ed.) 13:17

On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

So what is the most Christian way to remove her from office without accusing her out loud for her reign of tyranny?

We only deal with the other Good Book here. I'll just discuss what your options are under parliamentary law, and I'll leave it to your organization to determine which of these is most Christian.

On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

We were not elected as directed in our bylaws ... Our officers are supposed to be President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. No mention of Co-presidents.

In addition to Mr. Katz's question concerning the Co-Presidents, I am puzzled as to the statement that "We were not elected as directed in our bylaws." Could you elaborate on how you were selected?

On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

Would a motion to hold an election to assign the duties of president to one and VP to the other co-president work? I'm certain most members would not select HER for President? That way we'd be complying with the bylaws? ... and the members would not be confused about who is in charge! The term of office goes till May 2024.

In my view, yes, such a motion is in order, and I would even suggest it is mandatory. As you suggest, this would bring the organization into compliance with the bylaws.

On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

2. Or a motion to void the (non-existent) election and vote for a totally new board?

I don't think you can void something that doesn't exist.

If I am understanding correctly, however, that no election was held for the board as required in the bylaws, then that should be corrected as soon as possible by holding an election for the board.

On 6/7/2023 at 5:42 PM, Guest Roberta said:

3. Or a motion to dissolve the board and start over?

A motion to "dissolve" the board is not in order. I suppose the same thing could be accomplished by removing all of the board's members, but this seems unnecessary since 1.) the goal is actually just to remove one of the members and 2.) if the current board members were never properly elected to begin with, there are easier solutions (see above).

How to remove board members will depend on what the bylaws say on this subject, or if they are silent, the exact language in the bylaws on the term of office.

Edited by Josh Martin
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On 6/8/2023 at 5:02 AM, Josh Martin said:

So what is the most Christian way to remove her from office without accusing her out loud for her reign of tyranny?

I am by no means a scholar of what acts do or do not qualify as the most Christian ways of doing things; but,

It seems to me that speaking in hushed tones or remaining silent during reigns of tyranny would be less likely qualify.  Just sayin'.

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