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More candidates than positions to fill

Guest Gingerbear

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There's nothing unusual about such elections. 

One method would be to produce a ballot with the names of the six nominees listed, a check box next to each name, and the instructions in that section saying, "Vote for no more than five".  There should also be room for write-in votes where voters can enter one or more names of eligible but unnominated persons.

Another method is to simply use a blank ballot or one with five lines.  Post a list of nominees at the front of the room, and instruct voters to write in up to five names on their ballots.  Again, they are not restricted to voting for only nominees, but may not vote for more than five.

When counting the votes, each ballot which contains votes for at least one but no more than five candidates is counted as one "Vote Cast".  Ballots which express no preference are abstentions and do not add to Votes Cast.  Ballots which have more than five votes are illegal and are counted as one Vote Cast, but not credited to any candidates--same as votes for Donald Duck or other ineligible "persons" 

Calculate the majority (the least whole number more than half) of the Votes Cast, and call that number Required to Elect.   Anyone receiving that number or more is elected, up to five people.  Anyone receiving fewer votes is not elected. 

If all seats are not filled, hold another ballot for the number of seats as yet unfilled.

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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