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Correct term for multiple “Secondment”

Guest Jason Varner

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Presume member A makes a motion requiring a second. If multiple members offer a secondment, what is the correct phraseology for these added secondments? (I.e., Member A makes a motion, and members B, C, and D all say “I second”.) Are all secondments called “seconds”, or are they referred to as second, third, fourth, etc.?
I seem to recall that the correct phrasing in the minutes would be: “Member A moved that ‘____________’. Motion was seconded by members B, C, D…”

Unfortunately, my university course that covered Roberts Rules was years and years ago (ok, decades and decades).

thx in advance

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On 6/18/2023 at 6:07 AM, Guest Jason Varner said:

Presume member A makes a motion requiring a second. If multiple members offer a secondment, what is the correct phraseology for these added secondments? (I.e., Member A makes a motion, and members B, C, and D all say “I second”.) Are all secondments called “seconds”, or are they referred to as second, third, fourth, etc.?
I seem to recall that the correct phrasing in the minutes would be: “Member A moved that ‘____________’. Motion was seconded by members B, C, D…”

Unfortunately, my university course that covered Roberts Rules was years and years ago (ok, decades and decades).

thx in advance

"The name of the maker of a main motion should be entered in the minutes, but the name of the seconder should not be entered unless ordered by the assembly."   RONR, 12th ed., 48:5(1)

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On 6/18/2023 at 6:07 AM, Guest Jason Varner said:

Presume member A makes a motion requiring a second. If multiple members offer a secondment, what is the correct phraseology for these added secondments? (I.e., Member A makes a motion, and members B, C, and D all say “I second”.) Are all secondments called “seconds”, or are they referred to as second, third, fourth, etc.?
I seem to recall that the correct phrasing in the minutes would be: “Member A moved that ‘____________’. Motion was seconded by members B, C, D…”

Unfortunately, my university course that covered Roberts Rules was years and years ago (ok, decades and decades).

thx in advance

The correct term for "secondments" is simply "seconds".

But as @Dan Honemann points out, they normally don't belong in the minutes anyway.


Edited by Gary Novosielski
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