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How long is a motion in effect?

Wright Stuff

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I saw this post in another forum and thought I knew the answer. Since I've actually encountered a similar issue previously, maybe it's a good idea to get the correct answer. 




- the previous board approved $20,000 for college scholarships.

- the previous scholarship committee only awarded $4,000.

- the current board discussed giving out more of the $20,000.

- the general consensus was that the current board didn't have to vote on or discuss anything.

- based on the above, the treasurer gave out another $9,000 to 16 more recipients.

Is there a problem with this?


How long is a previously passed motion in effect? My first thoughts are that there is NOT a problem with the board's actions above. Doesn't a passed motion remain in effect unless it includes some terminating event, such as an expiration date, natural termination, amendment, or rescission? What's the correct answer? 

I ask for a second reason, as well. If passed motions do remain in effect until some terminating event occurs, there needs to be a way for new leadership to be abundantly aware of those motions. A readily available, indexed version of all previous minutes seems advisable. Suggestions?

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In general, a motion that does not have some sort of termination clause built in, is in effect until it is rescinded, amended, or in the probably more common case, fully carried out.  In your example, where $20,000 was allocated to be spent, once all the money had been spent the motion would be fully carried out, and would no longer be in effect.

It is the practice in some organizations that previous actions that are intended to have  continuing effect for a longer period than, say, buying a new trash can, are compiled in a binder called Standing Rules, Policies, or Special Rules of Order, depending on the type of motion that created them.  It's handy to have a ready reference.  

But it's important to note that it's the language of the original motion, as recorded in the minutes, that is the actual rule.  The policy manual is just a (hopefully accurate) copy of that original.

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Yes - a previously adopted motion remains in effect until the action it authorizes has been completely carried out, or a self-imposed expiration date is reached, or the motion is amended or rescinded. The readily available means for new leadership to be aware of previously adopted and still-in-effect motions are the organization's minutes. If the organization feels that their minutes are not sufficiently indexed for readily finding these motions, it is free to set up such an indexed listing that will satisfy its needs.

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