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President getting involved in a comittee

Guest Daniel a

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In a non-profit organization (board of 12 members) with committees and chair person already select and running. 

If the president decides to get involved in a committee later on. Does he/she take over as chair person or just an advicer to the committee.

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Since the president is not a member of the committee, he does not possess the basic right of a member to attend committee meetings, much less to preside in place of the committee's regular chairman. While it is acceptable for the committee to invite non-members to open hearings, it is not proper for any non-member, president or otherwise, to be present when the committee is deliberating on the content of its reports.

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On 7/6/2023 at 3:46 PM, Guest Daniel a said:

In a non-profit organization (board of 12 members) with committees and chair person already select and running. 

If the president decides to get involved in a committee later on. Does he/she take over as chair person or just an advicer to the committee.

Check the bylaws.

Some organizations have a provision in the bylaws that the president is an ex-officio member of all committees (usually excepting the nominating committee).

If this is the case, then the president has full committee membership, except that he is not counted in establishing or fulfilling the quorum requirement.  He may choose to attend or not attend as seems advisable, but not as the chair of the committee, just as a somewhat optional member.

If there is no such provision in the bylaws, the president is not a member of a committee unless appointed to it, and has no special right to attend.

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On 7/6/2023 at 2:46 PM, Guest Daniel a said:

In a non-profit organization (board of 12 members) with committees and chair person already select and running. 

If the president decides to get involved in a committee later on. Does he/she take over as chair person or just an advicer to the committee.

On 7/6/2023 at 3:33 PM, Guest Daniel a said:

no the President was never on the orignal committee he/she decided to get involve. And yes the committee has a regular chair person

How are the committees appointed?

It would seem from the facts presented that the President is not, at the present time, a member of the committee (let alone the chair). As a result, the President cannot "take over as chair person." I suppose the President could serve as an "adviser" to the committee, to the extent the committee is agreeable to this.

However, additional facts about how committees are appointed (such as if the President has the authority to appoint committees, for instance) may change things.

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