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Multiple Shift Meetings

Guest Doug

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On 7/19/2023 at 6:06 PM, Guest Doug said:

Where in Roberts Rules can I find provisions and guidance on multiple shift meetings?  

Roberts Roles of order newly revised (RONR) has no rules specifically for shift meetings.

(Additional) Rules for this kind of meetings need to be included in your bylaws, your special rules of order or your standing rules.

I fear most of it will be unwritten custom so not written down anywhere 

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On 7/20/2023 at 8:38 AM, puzzling said:

Roberts Roles of order newly revised (RONR) has no rules specifically for shift meetings.

(Additional) Rules for this kind of meetings need to be included in your bylaws, your special rules of order or your standing rules.

I fear most of it will be unwritten custom so not written down anywhere 

A custom would probably be insufficient to create multiple shift meetings. 

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On 7/20/2023 at 11:54 AM, puzzling said:

I agree but what if they allready happened for as long as they remembered

You should review, as I said earlier, your bylaws and special orders. If they are not adequate or supportive of your situation, you should revise them.

If you are currently doing it without rules and are following unwritten rules (which RONR calls "custom"), then you should draft rules and adopt them.

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On 7/20/2023 at 10:54 AM, puzzling said:

I agree but what if they allready happened for as long as they remembered

If a custom conflicts with the society's written rules, including the parliamentary authority, the length of time the custom has been in effect is immaterial. The custom must be halted immediately, unless and until the society's rules are amended to incorporate the custom. Adopting "shift meetings," which modifies several fundamental principles of parliamentary law, would require an amendment to the bylaws. As you correctly note, it would likely also require supporting rules in special rules of order, and possibly also standing rules.

"However, if a customary practice is or becomes in conflict with the parliamentary authority or any written rule, and a Point of Order (23) citing the conflict is raised at any time, the custom falls to the ground, and the conflicting provision in the parliamentary authority or written rule must thereafter be complied with. If it is then desired to follow the former practice, a special rule of order (or, in appropriate circumstances, a standing rule or a bylaw provision) can be added or amended to incorporate it." RONR (12th ed.) 2:25

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