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When minutes of meeting were read at a meeting and corrections made when VP was presiding, who signs those minutes at the following meeting when the President is presiding? The VP from prior meeting when corrections made or President?

Guest Linda H

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At a monthly meeting where the President was absent and the VP was presiding, corrections to minutes were made. At the following meeting when the minutes are read noting corrections, who signs off on those? The VP who presided at meeting when corrections were made?

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On 8/3/2023 at 1:26 PM, Guest Linda H said:

At a monthly meeting where the President was absent and the VP was presiding, corrections to minutes were made. At the following meeting when the minutes are read noting corrections, who signs off on those? The VP who presided at meeting when corrections were made?

Let's see if I have this straight.  At the first monthly meeting, where the VP presided, the minutes of the previous meeting (call it the zeroth meeting) were read.  Those draft minutes would have been signed by the secretary.  Corrections were agreed to. After approval, the secretary would write the word Approved and the date, and initial it.  It is not necessary to have anyone else sign it, but if it's the custom to have the presiding officer sign the approved copy, then the VP would have signed it.  

At the second meeting, the secretary would read the minutes of the first meeting, which would not note any corrections.  It would simply have the entry:  The minutes of the <date of the zeroth> meeting were read and approved with corrections.  The corrections themselves would have been incorporated into the minutes of the zeroth meeting, to which they applied.  When the minutes of the first meeting are approved, they are dated as Approved, initialed by the secretary and, if desired, signed by whoever was presiding at the time.

However, when minutes are approved as corrected, as was the case with the minutes of the zeroth meeting, things may change. We are told that

the secretary should prepare a fully corrected version and distribute copies to the members as well as placing it in the minute book. [RONR (12th ed.) 48:14]

Presumably this version would be dated Approved and initialed before distributing and filing it, but it would make less sense to chase down the presiding officer to sign them.  But if that's what you want, you're free to do so, and have whoever was presiding  (the VP in this case) sign the corrected approved copy before filing.  But this process could take place even outside the context of a meeting, or perhaps not at all.

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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