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Can the Parliamentarian also hold a position on the Executive Board?


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I can't find a rule that would prevent it, but it seems like a very bad idea.  The Parliamentarian should not be debating or voting on actual issues, which would seem to conflict with the duties of a board member.  It would be fine to have a rule that the Parliamentarian is to be present at board meetings, but being an actual member is bound to lead to trouble.

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On 8/17/2023 at 11:49 AM, Lrschutt said:

Can the Parliamentarian also hold a position on the Executive Board?

No rule in RONR would prevent it, but I would generally advise against it if at all possible, since this may at times conflict with the parliamentarian's duties to provide impartial advice on parliamentary procedure.

On 8/17/2023 at 12:56 PM, puzzling said:

You could (i think) let the parliamentarian be parliamentarian to the chair at the members meeting and a normal member of the executive board/ board of directors.

Yes, I think this is correct, and this would alleviate some of the problems. But it still potentially poses problems when the board makes recommendations to the membership. The problems would be greater still if the role the parliamentarian has on the board is one in which he would directly make reports and  recommendations to the membership as an officer.

Edited by Josh Martin
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