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Motion to lay on table

Guest Ray Lushbaugh

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Well, the proper motion was almost certainly postpone to a certain time, not lay on the table, to the point where I would say it should simply come up at the time appointed for it. But if treated as if laid on the table, anyone can move to take it up. (Hopefully, the motion will pass and you won't need to worry about its procedural status anymore.)

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On 9/6/2023 at 2:35 PM, Guest Ray Lushbaugh said:

A motion has been layed on the table until a certain time. Can anyone move to take it off the table at that time or does it have to be the one that made the motion?

Well, you don't really get to specify a time with Lay on the Table.  It stays there until the more urgent matter that interrupted it is finished, then someone--anyone--moves to Take From the Table.  

To postpone a motion to a certain time in the future, the proper motion is, not surprisingly, Postpone to a Certain Time, which can't be beyond the next regular meeting.  Motions thus postponed come up automatically at the appropriate time, and are simply stated by the chair without the need for a new motion.  If it were simply postponed "to the next meeting" without naming an actual time, it would be a General Order and come up under the heading Unfinished Business and General Orders.  

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The chair missed his opportunity to assist the mover to frame the motion in a form that would be in order under the rules. It might be worthwhile for the members to receive additional training that contrasts the forms of the subsidiary motions, Postpone to a Certain TimeRONR (12th ed.) §14, and Lay on the TableRONR (12th ed.) §17.  Also, "III. SAMPLE FORMS USED IN MAKING MOTIONS" in the tinted pages toward the back of the book may be useful. Motions 67 and 68 pertain to Postpone to a Certain Time; motion 46 pertains to Lay on the Table.

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