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trustee decision reversal

Guest Blackjack

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On 9/12/2023 at 11:53 AM, Guest Blackjack said:

How to reverse the policy imposed by a trustee in charge of an area, whose decision is in opposition of the majority of the membership?

The situation of a single trustee imposing a decision is not something that can occur if the rules in RONR apply.  The board of trustees as a whole may vote on a decision, but individuals have no such power.  

In either case, the membership is the highest level of authority, so the decision can be reversed, as long as it has not been carried out already (a tree cannot be unchopped down).  If the decision was duly made by the board, then the membership can adopt a motion to Rescind the decision completely, or a similar motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted to change it. Both of these are covered in RONR (12th ed.) §35. 

They require for passage either:

  • a two-thirds vote; or
  • a majority vote with prior notice; or
  • a majority of the entire membership,

any of which will suffice.

If the individual trustee simply took it upon himself to implement something without the authority to do so, then the decision may simply be ignored, and the membership can adopt a motion of Censure to express its disapproval, or if particularly grievous, more substantial discipline.  See Chapter XX.

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