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Unapproved contract signed

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The school board approved a contract with a local entity.  However, the board president signed another contract with different dates and clearly with some different agreements within it.  Both are posted on Board Docs.  The motion for approval of the first document and dates and the second document which she signed.  Any legal repercussions?  who should I report this to?  

motion for deifferend contract than what was signed.PNG

On 1/18/2024 at 2:09 PM, Guest kitkat said:

The school board approved a contract with a local entity.  However, the board president signed another contract with different dates and clearly with some different agreements within it.  Both are posted on Board Docs.  The motion for approval of the first document and dates and the second document which she signed.  Any legal repercussions?  who should I report this to?  

I don't know. This is a legal matter, not a parliamentary one, and questions regarding it should be directed to an attorney.


When you ask to whom do you report this, who are you? Your position may matter for your next steps.

Other than that, this question falls precisely on the line separating the law and parliamentary procedure. We cannot advise you on the legal ramifications, but from a parliamentary perspective, one who acts without authorization does so at her own risk. How to enforce that, i.e. how to collect from her, is a legal matter, and the law may not allow for full recovery, assuming the contract is enforceable. For that, you'll need to consult an attorney.

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