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Polling/discussion before a motion

Guest MRD

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1.  In a board of directors meeting, is it appropriate to introduce a subject (according to the agenda) and discuss it (basically coming to a consensus) before making a motion? 

2.  In the same board of directors meeting, is it appropriate to discuss an agenda item, then poll the members about where they stand on the assumed motion, after which the motion is made?  

3.  Please define straw poll.


Thank you

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On 5/20/2024 at 7:30 PM, Guest MRD said:

1.  In a board of directors meeting, is it appropriate to introduce a subject (according to the agenda) and discuss it (basically coming to a consensus) before making a motion? 


If the board is using the small board rules, yes. Otherwise, you need a motion before debate.

On 5/20/2024 at 7:30 PM, Guest MRD said:

2.  In the same board of directors meeting, is it appropriate to discuss an agenda item, then poll the members about where they stand on the assumed motion, after which the motion is made?  


No. Straw polls are not in order. You can get some of the same information, if you oppose the motion, by moving to postpone indefinitely.

On 5/20/2024 at 7:30 PM, Guest MRD said:

3.  Please define straw poll.


It's what you described in number 2.

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Is there somewhere in RONR that specifically mentions not using a state poll?  Or is it assumed based on the directions for making motions before discussion.  

where are small board rules spelled out specifically?

I appreciate the help.  

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:49 PM, Guest MRD said:

Is there somewhere in RONR that specifically mentions not using a state poll?

Yes, I believe it’s in the index. Sorry I’m too lazy to look it up right now. 

On 5/20/2024 at 9:30 PM, Guest MRD said:

In the same board of directors meeting, is it appropriate to discuss an agenda item, then poll the members about where they stand on the assumed motion, after which the motion is made?  

3.  Please define straw poll.

I think informal discussion in a small board can include members inquiring how other members stand, or suggesting they state their positions. The chair should clarify no one is bound to disclose that. What’s out of order is a motion that doesn’t adopt or reject something. 

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