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ByLaw Issue


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Our Constitution and Bylaws are set up for National, State, and Unit use. When our National Bylaws are amended, the change is made to the State and Unit sections, if applicable. At our 2023 National Convention, a change was made in the National Section that would affect the State portion of the Bylaws.

We have a National Executive Committee with representation from each District. The term of office for the National Executive Committee member and Alternate member is two (2) years.

Before our National Convention in 2023, the National portion of our Bylaws read as follows:

"Elected National Officers, the Immediate Past National Commander, and National Executive Committee Members shall not be eligible to serve simultaneously as the Commander of any State Department."

“National Executive Committee members or Alternate National Executive Committee members shall not be eligible to serve simultaneously as the Immediate Past National Commander or as State Commander."

The above was changed at the 2023 Convention to read:

“Elected National Executive Committee members or Alternate National Executive members shall not be eligible to serve simultaneously as the Immediate Past National Commander."

This change was overlooked in the State Department portion of our Bylaws, which reads:

“Elected National Officers, the Immediate Past National Commander, and National Executive Committee members shall not be eligible to serve simultaneously as State Commander."

Our situation is that a State Department held its annual State Convention and elected a member as State Commander. Unfortunately, this member is currently the National Executive Committee member for that District. This member will have one Executive Committee Meeting to attend at our National Convention, which will be her last since her term is up this year.

Can the individual still complete her term on the National Executive Committee and retain the new office of State Commander?

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On 6/18/2024 at 1:33 PM, PKR said:

“Elected National Executive Committee members or Alternate National Executive members shall not be eligible to serve simultaneously as the Immediate Past National Commander."


Well, that seems nonsensical, but it's what they say.

On 6/18/2024 at 1:33 PM, PKR said:

Our situation is that a State Department held its annual State Convention and elected a member as State Commander. Unfortunately, this member is currently the National Executive Committee member for that District. This member will have one Executive Committee Meeting to attend at our National Convention, which will be her last since her term is up this year.



On 6/18/2024 at 1:33 PM, PKR said:

Can the individual still complete her term on the National Executive Committee and retain the new office of State Commander?

No. I'm not entirely sure how to remedy it, though. I guess this individual will be removed from whichever body raises a point of order first.

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