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Guest Ima Here

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Doesn't all propsals have to be voted on by the Board of Directors, before it can be brought before the stockholders for radifcation? In our notice of the Annual Stockholders Meeting, there are several proposals that members submitted, but the Board never voted on these. Can a stockholder just submit any Proposal to be voted on at the Annual Meeting? Please explain the process of Proposals to me. Thanks

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Doesn't all proposals have to be voted on by the Board of Directors, before it can be brought before the stockholders for ratification?


There is no such rule in Robert's Rules of Order.

Can a stockholder just submit any Proposal to be voted on at the Annual Meeting?


Absent any rule, any member can make a motion on a new subject in an annual meeting.

Beware that annual meetings often ARE limited, by rule, to few subjects.

But that is a customized rule, not Robert's Rules, which imposes a restriction.

Thus, as always, READ YOUR BYLAWS. - There will be the exceptions to "the rules."

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