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When a quorum is not in attendance can those in attendance vote to approve a motion and have it ratified at the next board meeeting when a quorum is in attendance?

If the quorum-less meeting was a meeting of the board, a future board meeting, with a quorum can ratify the action. The requirement for adoption of the motion to ratify is the same as needed to adopt the motion in the first place (pp. 118-20).

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When a quorum is not in attendance can those in attendance vote to approve a motion and have it ratified at the next board meeeting when a quorum is in attendance?

Yes, however, this places the members at the inquorate meeting at great personal risk, especially if the motion involves the expenditure of funds. This strategy should only be used in grave emergencies and when it is believed there is a high chance of ratification. See RONR, 10th ed., pg. 337, lines 17-23 for more information.

(This answer assumes the original meeting was a board meeting.)

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When a quorum is not in attendance can those in attendance vote to approve a motion and have it ratified at the next board meeeting when a quorum is in attendance?

Only in an emergency situation, where waiting for a properly quorate meeting would cause unacceptable harm, and only with the realization that those who vote Yes are assuming personal responsibility for the consequences, in the event that the board chooses not to ratify their improper action.

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When a quorum is not in attendance can those in attendance vote to approve a motion and have it ratified at the next board meeeting when a quorum is in attendance?

In addition to Mr. Martin's caveat, it should be noted that the fact that this action is being taken at a meeting is irrelevant. In other words, it's no more "official" than if the members had gathered informally at the neighborhood tavern. So don't think you're somehow protected by the cloak of a (inquorate) meeting.

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