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election of un-opposed candidate

Guest Kearnsbfk

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If secret ballot is spelled out in the by=laws of an organization can a canidate be elected by a show of hands after nomination if the candidate is running for the office in question without opposition

If the bylaws require a ballot, you cannot deviate from that form. See RONR(10th ed.), p. 427, l. 20-25.

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If secret ballot is spelled out in the by=laws of an organization can a canidate be elected by a show of hands after nomination if the candidate is running for the office in question without opposition

No. That provision in the bylaws cannot be suspended, even by a unanimous vote. In fact, it's not even in order to move to take a vote on how to vote! If the bylaws say ballot vote, it's ballot vote. Period.

If you want to allow unopposed candidates to be elected by acclamation, you'll have to amend your bylaws to explicitly permit that exception.

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