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secretary minutes

Guest Anna Marie Kondrat

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Can the floor vote to dispense the reading of the minutes ?

Yes. An adopted motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes has the effect of putting off the reading and approval of the minutes until some time later in the meeting, RONR (10th ed.), pp. 456, 457. Is this the effect you have in mind, or are you really asking about something else?

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Can the floor vote to dispense the reading of the minutes ?

The phrase "dispense with the reading of the minutes" is a term of art in parliamentary law. Such a motion may be adopted by majority vote, and it delays the reading and approval of the minutes until a later time in the meeting.

If what you mean is that you wish to approve the minutes without having them read, if the minutes have been distributed in advance, the minutes are not read unless a member requests it. If the minutes have not been distributed in advance, it is still possible to approve them without having them read by unanimous consent, but this is not advisable. Note that in either case, a single member may demand that the minutes be read.

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