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Executive Session

Guest Laura Kieser

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Sorry, I forgot to ask how an Executive Session is recorded. Do the actaul meetings need recorded, or should a notation just be made that a seesion was had with the motions to go into Executive Session and motion to end the session be recorded?

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Sorry, I forgot to ask how an Executive Session is recorded. Do the actaul meetings need recorded, or should a notation just be made that a seesion was had with the motions to go into Executive Session and motion to end the session be recorded?

The minutes of a meeting held in executive session should record exactly the same information as if the meeting was held in "open" session. The minutes of any meeting should mainly be a record of what was done at the meeting and not what was said by the members. [page 251].

The minutes could be as simple as "By unanimous consent, the Board moved into executive session at 3:51 PM. The personnel committee presented a review of the executive director's performance. By unanimous consent, the executive session ended at 4:58 PM."

You might decide that the minutes are (or are not) to be kept secret. In this example, I'd suggest that they might not be. In other cases they would.


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I really dislike it when a post gets nitpicked for spelling and grammar and typos rather than substance, but I'll bet my friend Bob Fish meant page 451 and not page 251.

Which is kind of ironic considering the precision with which he recorded the starting (3:51 PM) and ending (4:58 PM) times of the executive session.

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