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Elections - Voting and Running

Guest Kim

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It is ok to hold elections and vote for one position at a time as to allow someone to run for President - if they don't get it then they can run for Vice President - if they don't get that, another office, and so on?? I don't have my copy of Roberts Rules with me and was hopeing to get a quick answer.. Thank you.

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It is ok to hold elections and vote for one position at a time as to allow someone to run for President - if they don't get it then they can run for Vice President - if they don't get that, another office, and so on?? I don't have my copy of Roberts Rules with me and was hopeing to get a quick answer.. Thank you.


It is typical that an organization votes FIRST on the top-most office, so that the loser(s) have the opportunity to run for, and win, the lesser office(s).

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