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Nominated or Elected to more than one office

Guest Drew

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I have been nominated to 4 different offices in my group...Vice President/Treasurer/Secretary/Conductor.

I'm willing to accept any as I want to serve my organization but would prefer Treasurer or Secretary to the other two, or maybe even both. Do I get to choose which one I want to accept if I'm elected to more than one? Nothing in our bylaws prohibits holding more than one office or what to do in the event someone is elected to two.

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Do I get to choose which one I want to accept if I'm elected to more than one? Nothing in our bylaws prohibits holding more than one office or what to do in the event someone is elected to two.

Nothing in RONR prohibits a person from holding more than one office although many organizations have a rule that does. In other organizations, there may be a custom of not serving in more than one office and that custom should be considered.

So the bottom line is that if you're elected to two offices you can choose one or both. And it's not uncommon, in a small organization, for the same person to serve as both secretary and treasurer.

You might also consider letting everyone know you're not interested in the other two offices. If you're elected to all four and decline any, there will have to be another round of voting and this can sometimes be inconvenient. But it's your choice.

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