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Guest Randy otos

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Once an agenda item has been passed. Is there a procedure to open the item again later in the meeting for reconsideration?

Yes, it's called the motion to Reconsider. It is debatable if the vote being reconsidered was originally on a debatable motion.

It requires a majority for adoption, and if adopted places the original motion before the assembly again. It's not amendable, but if it succeeds, the motion reopened may well be amendable.

It must be moved by someone who voted on the prevailing side in the vote on the original motion, and during the same session at which the original motion was adopted (or lost).

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Or if you want to cut three votes (vote on reconsider, vote to amend the now (re)pending agenda, vote to (re)adopt the agenda) with just one vote, try "amend something previously adopted".

Only catch is that reconsider, &c. votes are by majority; amend previously requires 2/3 to adopt.

Try what you think will work!

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Or if you want to cut three votes (vote on reconsider, vote to amend the now (re)pending agenda, vote to (re)adopt the agenda) with just one vote, try "amend something previously adopted".

Only catch is that reconsider, &c. votes are by majority; amend previously requires 2/3 to adopt.

And the other only catch is that Amend Something Previously Adopted can only be used on... (...wait for it....) ...something previously adopted, whereas Reconsider can also be used on something that was voted down.

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Or if you want to cut three votes (vote on reconsider, vote to amend the now (re)pending agenda, vote to (re)adopt the agenda) with just one vote, try "amend something previously adopted".

Since the original poster said "agenda item," I'm fairly certain he's referring to the adoption of a motion on the agenda, not the adoption of the agenda itself, although the strategy is still valid (if this is a motion with continuing effect caused by the adoption of one or more main motions, which seems likely).

And the other only catch is that Amend Something Previously Adopted can only be used on... (...wait for it....) ...something previously adopted, whereas Reconsider can also be used on something that was voted down.

Well, the original poster said the motion passed, so I'm not too worried about that. But more specifically, ASPA can only be applied to something with continuing effect caused by the adoption of one or more main motions. The motion to Reconsider does not have that limitation.

As an example, ASPA could not be used on an adopted subsidiary motion to Amend, but Reconsider could.

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Since the original poster said "agenda item," I'm fairly certain he's referring to the adoption of a motion on the agenda, not the adoption of the agenda itself, although the strategy is still valid (if this is a motion with continuing effect caused by the adoption of one or more main motions, which seems likely).

Well, the original poster said the motion passed, so I'm not too worried about that. But more specifically, ASPA can only be applied to something with continuing effect caused by the adoption of one or more main motions. The motion to Reconsider does not have that limitation.

As an example, ASPA could not be used on an adopted subsidiary motion to Amend, but Reconsider could.

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