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Delayed action on a motion


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If a board votes in August to take a certain action by a certain date ( in October ) and they do not follow through or bring it up again at subsequent meetings saying there was a delay and publishing a new date does the motion still stand?

In other words can they take the action now ? Actually the action would take place after a new board is in place ?

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If a board votes in August to take a certain action by a certain date ( in October ) and they do not follow through or bring it up again at subsequent meetings saying there was a delay and publishing a new date does the motion still stand?

In other words can they take the action now ? Actually the action would take place after a new board is in place ?

I'm having trouble pinning down this question. Perhaps, some details would help.

On one hand, it may be too late to do whatever. On the other hand, the date may be of no importance to the matter.

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Okay, the situation is the present board voted to turn off the clickers that residents use to open the gate at the entrance.

The motion stated it would be done by October 3, 2010. It was not done & it was never mentioned again.

Suddenly there is a sign up saying they will be turned off January 20, 2011. That is the day after a new board is seated.

Thanks for your help.

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Okay, the situation is the present board voted to turn off the clickers that residents use to open the gate at the entrance.

The motion stated it would be done by October 3, 2010. It was not done & it was never mentioned again.

Suddenly there is a sign up saying they will be turned off January 20, 2011. That is the day after a new board is seated.

Thanks for your help.

From what you've posted, it sounds like a motion was adopted "that the clickers be turned off by October 3, 2010." So, it's time to turn them off -- actually it's well past time. I don't see any reason why the tardiness would nullify the motion. I'd say it's still in force. Of course, variations in the actual language of the motion and/or other unknown circumstances could make all this very different.

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